
Did You See The Pandemic Coming?

How a good mortgage strategy can protect you during times of uncertainty.


Happy Summer!!

Hooooorayyy! With the lightening of restrictions and the ability to move around, see our friends, family, the people love and want to hug. I missed hugs; life appears to be returning to normal, and thank goodness, maybe the MLS porn phase is over, well maybe reduced as we focus more on summer and getting outdoors. …


Who wants to be a mortgage broker??? I do, I do!

One of the hardest things I have to do in my job is to explain why someone does not qualify for a mortgage.


Getting Back to A New Normal

Well happy June and getting back to the new normal. Where will you go?


Which renovations add the most value to your home?

Are you looking to buy a fixer upper? Or want to upgrade your existing home to improve your quality of life or accommodate a new way of living?


Happy May!

So many good things are happening right now. First, it’s spring, and the weather is outstanding.


Happy Spring!

Don’t you love this time of year? The little bits of green peeking out from under the edges of the snow. The midday rays of the sun are warming your face—new beginnings. I love fresh starts; they are the best.  Last month’s pop quiz went over so well went over so well, here’s part two….  True…


Friday Fun! Mortgage FAQ + Quiz

It’s Friday. It’s Covid. Lets have some fun with this little pop quiz to test your mortgage knowledge.


Home sales hit record in 2020, Canadian Real Estate Association reports

The record-shattering December marked the sixth consecutive month of year-over-year home sales hikes, after the COVID-19 pandemic led to shutdowns across the country in the key March to May home sales season.

Jacquie’s Real Life HGTV Experience

Jacquie’s Real Life HGTV Experience!!!

If you’ve ever heard me say something like “oh, if you’re doing a major renovation, make sure your relationship is healthy” or “house building is a long, tough road but it will be worth it in the end”, you might wonder if I have a touch of personal experience behind those words of wisdom.