Financial Stress Tips

Financial Stress Tips

Let’s start with a reminder. This is a judgment-free zone. Taking advantage of the financial options available to you does not make you a failure or a cheat. It makes you a person with resources. Financial stress can take a toll on anyone’s mental health, at any time, especially when we feel the need to…



The one question that is consistent across the board and what every client wants to know, what is my payment?

My Covid Life in Images

My Covid Life in Images

I came home from sunny Barbados on March 10th, quarantine was not in effect that this point but knowing shelter in place and travel quarantine was coming, I quickly prepared for our isolation at home. Klaus arrived home on March 16th, and the travel quarantine clock started. 

COVID and Your Mortgage

COVID & Your Mortgage

Wishing a wonderful Easter and an inspiring Spring. That is one good thing about this world … There are always sure to be more springs. -L.M. Montgomery I’m not sure how many times I can say this but these are interesting times. I don’t think they are necessarily bad times, although, for some families, they…

Bank of Canada Rate Drops But It Has Not Floated Down To Consumers

Bank of Canada Rate Drops But It Has Not Floated Down To Consumers.

Are you wondering why some interest rates are going up while others have gone down? How you can use the lower rates to your advantage?

Newspaper Mortgage Rate chart

Explanation of fixed and variable

Let’s talk about rates! Here’s the short story. Yes, the Bank of Canada dropped its interest rate. But it doesn’t affect all mortgages. Specifically, if you have a fixed rate there are no changes for you.

sip savor summer

Sip. Savor. Summer.

Well Hello,  Its been a very long time since I wrote an opening to a newsletter. I feel rusty and out of practice. Have you ever put something off for so long that by the time you had to do it you felt embarrassed? That’s me right now. I feel like I have not connected…

Happy First Day of Spring

Happy First Day of Spring!! 

Purchasing a home is typically the largest purchase most people will make. There are a lot of factors to consider before you fill in the application.

See Ya 2018

See Ya 2018

Jacquie looks back on 2018 and looks forward to the New Year!

Mortgage Repayment(s) – The Perfect Holiday Gift

Mortgage Repayment(s) – The Perfect Holiday Gift

Let me show you why making a prepayment on your mortgage may just be the best holiday gift you can get yourself this season!