
New Rules Effect Renewing and Refinancing
19 December 2017
Well, we’ve come to the end of another year. How did you do? Are you ready to slam the door on 2017? Are sad to see it go? What will you look back on fondly? I know for myself it...

Land Transfer Tax Refunds for First-Time Home Buyers
11 February 2017
When you buy land or an interest in land in Ontario, you pay land transfer tax. First-time homebuyers of an eligible home may be eligible for a refund of all or part of the tax. To claim a refund, you...

When should you call your mortgage broker?
3 March 2015
Most people only think to call their mortgage broker when they need a mortgage. Which makes sense. By all means, call your Ottawa mortgage broker when you need a mortgage! But there are many other reasons and circumstances when you...

Mortgage options you might not know about… because no one has told you!
9 February 2015
Whether you’re a first-time homebuyer, renewing your mortgage, getting back into the market, or buying a vacation or rental property, there are probably some mortgage options available that you’re not aware of. And they might be options your lender doesn’t...

Are you working with the right mortgage lender?
3 February 2015
Is your current mortgage lender REALLY the best one for you? Do they have your best interest at heart? I’m not going to tell you your current lender is wrong for you. You may have made the best decision at...

6 Mortgage myths our friends and families tell us
27 January 2015
Our family and friends mean well, but unless they’re mortgage specialists, they’re probably going to give you advice that’s more myth than fact. Here are some of the most common ones. “The market’s going to crash” We’ve been hearing this...

Do I really have a choice? Mortgage options lenders can’t provide
17 December 2014
Sometimes it feels like we don’t have a choice. We’re expected to just take what the banks give us, and accept it. But I’m telling you, you do have a choice. You’re not bound by what the bank offers you....

Your mortgage rate is too high? Focusing on the rate alone can cost you more
24 September 2014
In Ottawa, when the Bank of Canada announces a change in its prime-lending rate, it’s always big news. The Mortgage Rate is Always News The media seeks out analysis from economists and banking and business experts. Inevitably, talk turns to...

You can’t beat the mortgage broker
16 September 2014
One of the biggest misconceptions clients have is the difference between mortgage brokers and banks. Or rather, the lack thereof. Many just don’t know the difference. All they’re wondering is how to get a mortgage. That’s understandable because frankly, when...

Choice is good: Why would you limit your options?
11 September 2014
“I’ve been banking with (fill-in-the-big-6-bank-name) for over 10/20/30 years!" So why choose a mortgage broker Ottawa? Here's why! Mortgage Brokers give you choice I hear this all the time. You’re loyal to your bank. Maybe your first savings account was...