How to Get a Mortgage: The Credit Bureau

Mortgages Made Easy
If there’s one organization people are afraid of, it is often the “Credit Bureau”. But usually, that’s because they are not well understood.
A credit bureau is a company that collects information from various sources and provides consumer credit information on individual consumers for a variety of uses.
It is an organization providing information on individuals’ borrowing and bill paying habits. This helps lenders assess credit worthiness, the ability to pay back a loan, and can affect the interest rate and other terms of a loan. Interest rates are not the same for everyone, but instead can be based on risk-based pricing, a form of price discrimination based on the different expected risks of different borrowers, as set out in their credit rating.
Consumers with poor credit will pay a higher annual interest rate than consumers who don’t have these factors.
To summarize, your credit bureau tells the story of how you manage your credit. It’s a measurement of your credit responsibility.
How responsible are you?
The average Canadian has a credit score of 700. Your score is determined by:
- How many credit cards or trade lines you have,
- The balance on your credit cards or lines of credit,
- The quality of your credit card / lines: Not all credit is considered equal, and
- How many credit card / lines do you have? Less is not always better!
- What’s the limit on your card? Do you exceed your limit?
- When you use 75% or greater of your credit limit you lower your score.
- Contact me if you have a credit question or would like to discuss your credit bureau and how it might affect a future mortgage application.
Free Credit Report & Review
Jacquie is offering a free credit report and review with every pre approval or mortgage application!
Call or email Jacquie for more information on this great offer!