My Covid Life in Images

I came home from sunny Barbados on March 10th, quarantine was not in effect at this point but knowing shelter in place and travel quarantine was coming, I quickly prepared for our isolation at home. Klaus arrived home on March 16th, and the travel quarantine clock started.
Today marks the beginning of our sixth week in self-isolation. For the most part, we are doing well. I work every day, so it helps me keep my mind busy, assisting others in navigating the Covid lending minefield has been interesting and challenging. Still, everyone is doing the best they can. Klaus putzes around the house, doing repairs, lawn, and outdoor maintenance and tidying up around the home.
We order out once a week to support our local restaurants; this is a win-win if you ask me, as Klaus does not cook. So far, we have enjoyed Angry Dragonz (now closed), Vittoria Trattoria, and Five Guy Burgers – I love burgers. Ozzy’s is my favourite and hands down the best shawarma in town, give it a try. This week we will be trying for the first time, Thai from Sukhothai Thai in Bells Corners.
Who are you ordering from these days? What would you recommend, and why?
We go out for longer walks from time to time along the canal. We spend our grocery money at our local Farmboy and some of the other smaller local stores, Nicatros and McKeens Metro, in the Glebe. We’ve even stopped and had ice cream at Marble Slab and enjoyed eating it while sitting in the sun watching the people go about their lives in masks and gloves. In those moments, everything feels almost ordinary.
To keep busy I have taken to the kitchen on the weekends, I’ve tried to make my sourdough and sourdough starter, let’s say, my baking career is not off to a great start. However, my pasta and bolognese making skills are on point. What are your favourite recipes right now? Share, PLEASE.
I was going to be in Barbados longer than my usual couple of weeks; I opted to go away all-natural. Well, almost. No eyelashes, no pedicure or manicure. I did have my roots coloured, knowing when I returned to Ottawa, I was going to chop off my hair, so I didn’t even bother cutting my hair.
Once I returned to Ottawa, one of my first stops was to see Sam and cut and colour my hair. I LOVE my sassy new cut. But, who knew it was to be my last visit to my salon for many weeks to come. Lucky for me, Sam delivered hair colour to his clients (social distanced) and left instructions on how to colour my roots. My head massages are not as good as Sam’s but, it worked, and my silver tinsel is back undercover. No one sees my hair but Klaus and myself, but it helps keep the spirits up. My Mani/Pedi and eyelashes will continue on the all-natural path.
We try to limit the amount of news we listen too or read. I find it helps keep us a little more sane and emotionally calm(er). With so much uncertainty and conflicting information, it’s impossible for me to feel fully secure during this time. I keep positive thoughts, and whenever I get too whiney, I remind myself of all the goodness that we have, including a large backyard to enjoy.
I’ve always believed that you are feeling down, blue, taken for granted, and empty, VOLUNTEER! When you are giving and doing for others, you are giving to yourself. I continue to give blood, yes it helps others, but it also means I get cookies; it’s the only time I eat cookies. YUM! Speaking of giving, Supporting local is so important, but if the funds are available, please consider giving to the Ottawa Food Bank. They are masters at turning $1 into $5.00. They need your help now more than ever.
Every week I connect with the ones I love and to see how they are weathering the Covid isolation. Everyone is doing the best they can. In years to come when we look back, what will we say, and how will we remember these days?
One of the best things we do to keep our spirits high; we visit by Zoom with our friends, we have cocktail parties and play games, Scattergories, and Jackbox are the current favourites. At home, Klaus and I play Chinese checkers and Mexican Train together, it’s fun. I’m currently on a losing streak; I’m sure it will turn around? Right?
Overall, Klaus and I Are doing fine, coping well, almost. We find joy where we can; it’s in the simple things. Okay, on occasion, I do think of pushing him off the dock, but then he does something sweet, and I forget. I’m sure he feels the same.